I'm now looking at what optimizations or features are left to complete. If you would like to contribute feel free to let me know.
Here's some highligthed work (based on pulse_action issues and bugs):
This will help us save money in Heroku since using Buildapi + buildjson files is memory hungry and requires us to use bigger Heroku nodes.
This is important to help us change the behaviour of the Heroku app without having to commit any code. I've used this in the past to modify the logging level when debugging an issue.
This is also useful if we want to have different pipelines in Heroku.
Having Heroku pipelines help us to test different versions of the software.
This is useful if we want to have a version running from 'master' against the staging version of Treeherder.
It would also help contributors to have a version of their pull requests running live.
We don't have any tests running. We need to determine how to run a minimum set of tests to have some confident in the product.
This needs integration tests of Pulse messages.
The comment is the bug is rather accurate and it shows that there are many small things that need fixing.
Manual backfilling uses Buildapi to schedule jobs. If we switched to scheduling via TaskCluster/Buildbot-bridge we would get better results since we can guarantee proper scheduling of a build + associated dependent jobs. Buildapi does not give us this guarantee. This is mainly useful when backfilling PGO test and talos jobs.
If instead you're interested on contributing to mozci you can have a look at the issues.

This work by Zambrano Gasparnian, Armen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.